Nestled between the rural towns of Limoges and Casselman, Millennium Dog Sports is a multi-service dog sports training facility focused on offering high-level, knowledgeable instruction in agility, rally, dock diving and several other sports.
Our goal is to provide an exceptional level of training in all our classes; helping drive our students towards reliable, repeatable success in the competition ring.
We offer a heated 40'x80' training building with JutaGras turf, three competition sized agility rings with a full compliment of the safest agility equipemnt, a 45' dock diving pool, and open field for lure or disc, and a small rally obedience training and competition ring.
In addition to classes, we regularly hold sanctioned competitions, fun matches, workshops, and seminars. Facility rentals for private use are also available, as well as for special events.
Photo by L. Graveline Photography
Meet Our Staff & Instructors
Chantelle Charlebois
Owner/Operator, Instructor: Agility, Rally, Hoopers
Tracy Kolman
Administration ......................................................
France Villeneuve
Instructor: Dock Diving, Swimming
Julie Connor
Instructor: Ratting, Dock Diving, Swimming
Nancy Trus
Instructor: Dock Diving, Swimming
Catherine Raymond
Instructor: Dock Diving, Swimming
Laurie-Ann Gagnon
Instructor: Agility .................................................