December Rally Fun Anyone?!
@Everyone I am looking for some help from a few rally obedience teams! Fun is goal within these sessions!
I am looking to evaluate a few teams as they perform some rally obedience skills.
Dates: December 14-21-28
Cost: Nothing
Doors Open: 10:15am
Session begins: 10:30am
Session ends: 11:30am
If you understand how to navigate a rally obedience course (heel from station to station and where skills are to be performed relative to the sign), and you and your dog can heel for duration, sit/down/stand in heel, call front, turn and pivot in heel then you have sufficient skill to participate. Stay skills are helpful, but not required.
Teams will be asked to perform skills outside of their current skill level. The team does not have to be successful at any of the skills but must attempt them. Food rewards are permitted at any time for any skill.
Participants will be required to fill out documentation with pen and paper during the session. These documents outline the handler, dog or teams personal experience during the session; there are no right/wrong answers and there are no tests! All paper documents must be returned to Chantelle at the end of the session.
If interest happens to be high, I will hand select participants that I believe will be the most helpful to me achieving my goals within these sessions.
If you are interested please email me at with the subject line "December Rally Sessions"
Some important details:
Teams do not have to attend all sessions – come to one, two or all three.
Participants must be able to accurately follow written and/or spoken instructions (English only)
Participants will be required to sign an NDA.
No participant audio or video recording is permitted.
Participants will be videoed during these sessions by Chantelle Charlebois.
All video and audio recordings will remain the property of Chantelle Charlebois for private use only.
The participant’s dog MUST be able to work on leash, performing rally obedience skills, with other dogs out working at the same time. Dog’s that cause a disturbance will be asked to leave.
All rally experience levels are welcome, but participants and their dogs must have experience in rally obedience – either CKC or CARO.
No handler or dog training/instruction will be given during this event. These sessions are not instructional classes intended to help teams grow their rally skills.
Email sent!